By engaging with the practices and principles of Circle Ways, relationships are strengthened, so when harm occurs, healing ensues.

A school that embraces circle practice honors all stakeholders—students, staff, parents, and community members—deepens understanding of content, increases empathy and collaboration, and addresses the evolving needs of the school community.

What we do with families

family circles

For couples, “nuclear,” and extended families, we train all members to engage in and sustain productive communication to meet the changing needs in a family life cycle. From celebrations of birth, rites of passage, and accomplishments to inevitable losses and grieving, all family members—even the youngest—learn how regular circle practice can bring joy and resilience through all of life’s stages.

Family mediation

Mediation can be thought of as an informal conversation designed to solve a problem. When families find themselves stuck in seemingly unsolvable disagreements or discord, Circle Ways provides expert, neutral mediation to help family members have a productive dialogue, explore options, and negotiate resolutions.

Circle based ceremonies

Circle ways designs and facilitates gatherings when there is a need to honor a person, an event, or a collective purpose. In collaboration with the hosts, we create memorable experiences that are completely unique.

“Joe’s training, both in person or online is wonderful and his wealth of experience and knowledge invaluable, however more importantly he brings it all in true council style with authenticity and an open heart. I am so grateful to Joe’s wisdom and generosity of spirit.  


Get in touch.

Connect with Circle Ways to learn about family-oriented trainings, workshops or sessions.